Romance of Gomez on cithara part 2: tabs, notae, analysis

Romance of Gomez on cithara part 2: tabs, notae, analysis

"Tutorial" Lectio Guitar No. 25

Gomez Romance: Pars II

Secunda pars romance sonat in E maiori et statim attendit operam cum multis usibus technicae artis. Recta apta et recta occasus clausula, non debes multam difficultatem habere. Medium octavae mensurae attende, ubi numerus 4 apponitur. Vehementer te moneo, ut statim hoc loco IX parvam dolam accipias, et in nona mensura, continuans barram IXm (ibi indicatur), statim ponas digitum 2 in X frat, die XI III. digitus et 3 in 4th frat. Praeterea, in processu executionis eas in vicem simpliciter erigis. Romance of Gomez on cithara part 2: tabs, notae, analysisRomance of Gomez on cithara part 2: tabs, notae, analysisRomance of Gomez on cithara part 2: tabs, notae, analysisRomance of Gomez on cithara part 2: tabs, notae, analysis Hic in fine secundae partis secundae voltae, chorda major E indicatur a flageolatis in 12. fretum, hoc est error, cum chorda G acutum contineat, ergo in hac forma non laborabit. Romance of Gomez on cithara part 2: tabs, notae, analysis

"Romance of Gomez", tabs pro Cithara Romance of Gomez on cithara part 2: tabs, notae, analysis #24

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